Thank you to all of our business, foundation, church, and individual sponsors who make what we do possible.

Our Fundraising Events

Fall Dessert Nights and Silent Auction
We invite all our partners and friends to come out in early November for an evening of delicious desserts, inspiring stories, and great deals at our Silent Auction.
We hold one dessert night in Langley and one in Abbotsford every fall.
RSVP or get more information by clicking the link below!

Step Up for the Kids
Every summer, we hold Step Up for the Kids where participants challenge the Grouse Grind or walk the Fort-to-Fort trail to raise funds for our summer outreaches. We end with a great BBQ in the park and prizes!
Click below for more information and to register or sponsor a participant
Exciting Projects to Support

Easter Baskets
Every Spring we want to show our kids how special they are with a gift of an Easter Basket stuffed full with toys, goodies and a Bible.
You can sponsor baskets for $20 each or come to Kids Klub and help us give them out in April!

Back to School Packs
For many families in our city, back-to-school season brings many additional expenses.
You can help us come alongside these families by sponsoring a backpack full of school supplies, given out at the end of the Sidewalk Kids Klub season. Backpacks cost $30.00 each.

Christmas Shoeboxes
You can help us bring joy to hundreds of children in vulnerable neighbourhoods at Christmas Time. We distribute over 800 Christmas gifts to our children at Kids Klub and in the community each December.
You can provide funds to fill boxes, fill a box yourself, or come and help us give out these gifts in the community!